Strike Two: Join the coalition of the willing


StrikeTwo has established itself as a hotbed of collaboration, co-creation and execution in the space where agrifood, sustainability, and technology intersect. Food supply chain issues previously thought to be insurmountable are tackled head on by a curated coalition of farmers, private businesses, research organisations, NGOs, start-ups and government.


StrikeTwo focuses on 3 key themes: consumer trust, farm income, and sustainable supply chain management. Within each theme are a number of innovation experiments, which we call ‘tracks.’ In StrikeTwo hand-on working sessions, we go beyond the theoretical and develop a 1 year innovation roadmap, complete with commitment from the co-creators to make it a reality.

Strike Two News:
2020 Track Reports

5 tracks under the themes of Consumer Trust, Farm Income and Supply Chain Management were presented at StrikeTwo 2020. Track ambitions ranged from use of AI to analyze the physical world, to modelling for a scalable local initiative designed to improve consumers’ relationship with food.  Read the track reports and watch the pitches below.

A low-cost way to generate large volumes of ground-truthing photographic data, while positioning smallholder farmers as the primary beneficiaries of the data and predictive insights generated.

Track Report

Fish-feed Transparency
Industry-wide collaboration to determine the ‘as-is’ state of play, then select and implement 1 transparency supply chain system by which fish meal fed to farmed-prawns from Vietnam can be made verifiably slave-free.
The N-ALLyzer app will assist farmers in making optimal economic decisions on fertilizer application rates, with minimal user input. Unlike the traditional nutrient calculations, the app requires simple mobile phone-based pictures of maize or wheat leaves and answer few key questions on farming, to generate fertilizer recommendations customized using big data analytics and simulations.

Track Report – Coming soon

Sustainable Open Soy
Cross-supply chain initiative to start tracking US soy via blockchain from USFRA partner farms, both in a mass balance supply chain with big players (above average farms) and a segregated supply chain with smaller players (below average farms) of the Dutch livestock industry, through to Dutch livestock farmers, to a Dutch retailer who pays a premium.

Track Report

Combining the digital and physical world to capitalise on the benefits of technology and social trends to make nutrition and sustainability information available, accessible and affordable to consumers and growers, enabling everybody to have healthy and sustainable diets. 
Join the Strike Two Network


Strike Two 2020 is for the change makers in key themes of CONSUMER TRUST, FARM INCOME, and CIRCULAR SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT. Our audience is global and our strength is bringing together business, government, NGOs, research institutions, start-ups and finance. If you operate in the tech and/or agrifood space and are sick of the status quo, you are in the right place. 


StrikeTwo has established itself as a hotbed of collaboration, co-creation and execution in the space where agrifood, sustainability, and technology intersect. Food supply chain issues previously thought to be insurmountable are tackled head on by a curated coalition of farmers, private businesses, research organisations, NGOs, start-ups and government.

Compelling Experts

StrikeTwo attracts the best and the brightest. Compelling speakers will kick-off every Thursday of November but it doesn’t stop there. Members of our Technical Committee support track owners in creating a solution that fits the market long term. Finally – the participants THEMSELVES make StrikeTwo what it is. A coalition of the willing.


A great idea is one thing, execution is another. Our tried and tested StrikeTwo methodology ensures each track challenge is well defined by facilitating input from experts and stakeholders. The end result is a consortium of partners committed to executing your innovation roadmap.


A more transparent food system not only impacts the environment in a positive way, it also empowers the consumer and the farmer.


We need transparency and circularity to make our food system more sustainable. And we need digital solutions to get there.


Let’s re-think the way we use resources for agriculture. Digital innovations can have a big impact on changing the way we choose food, make food and transport food.

/ together strong

Amazing Partners

/ the summit

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